>Happy Fall Wreath

>It FINALLY feels like fall! Hooray! It makes me that much more excited to really get my house ready for fall.

I have been so inspired by all of these fall wreaths on everyone’s blogs…so of course I wanted to try my own! I can’t say I’m a big “wreath person”…I only ever have one up at Christmastime. So, here’s my fall wreath!

You like it? Me too!

Here’s how it all went down:

First, I laid out my fall options to put on the wreath. I work well when I have all of the possibilities in front of me. Buckley just gets very confused

Everything was bought at yardsales or the dollar store. That bunch of fall “flowers” on the right was from Hobby Lobby, but I didn’t end up using it.

I started by wrapping the wreath in burlap strips. No real science to it…I just cut strips about 1 1/2 inches wide, and wrapped the wreath, hot glueing ever few inches

Once that was done, I wrapped one of those “wirey berry things” that I picked up at a yardsale for 10 cents around. I didn’t even glue it…I was able to connect both ends to eachother at the end, and I just went around a few times to bend the berries to where they looked best. Here’s what it looked like:

Next, I decided on some fall leaves from the dollar store. I went around the wreath, and just started randomly hot-glueing them on top of the “branch” and in the spots where the burlap was exposed. Here’s how it looked in the middle:

Once I had covered all I needed, I took some of the bigger dollar store leaves, and put 2 on as an “accent”.

Then, I simply stuck a sunflower I had in my “craft closet” between the 2 leaves, and hung it on my door! It was lacking a little bit…and I put a wooden “H” (for our last name) that I bought at JoAnns a little while back, and I felt that it really completed the look.

Here’s the finished product again…

Happy happy wreath 🙂

Cost breakdown:

Wreath form: $1

Burlap: leftover from my burlap pumpkin project

Wirey Berries: 10 cents

2 different kinds of leaves: $2 total

Sunflower: from my craft closet

Wooden H: $1.79 (with 40% off coupon)

Total cost: $4.89

Love making projects for under $5! 🙂 Leave me your comments…you KNOW I love them! Also, please check out the amazing parties I link to weekly on my sidebar. Happy fall, everyone!! 🙂

I’m linking to the DIY Fall Festival

11 Responses to “>Happy Fall Wreath”
  1. >Your wreath looks really pretty against your red door and i love the addition of the initial. I just finished doing my fall wreath too. Mine cost $7 – don't you love those frugal crafts.

  2. Kendall says:

    >Wow, that looks really good! And under $5- gotta love that!!-Kendall{songbirdsandbuttons.blogspot.com}

  3. Mom2fur says:

    >Buckley's got a little bit of a curve to him, so if he were realllly small, or the wreath was reallly big, he'd make a nice trim on it.Just kidding. My pets (especially the cats) always want to be right in the middle of my crafting, too.The wreath is lovely. I like the idea of the initial in the middle of it!

  4. Kathleen says:

    >Love the simplicity of it, and that it will work throughout the season. Beautiful work.I found you through the "Get Your Craft On" follow, and am now a follower.Kathleenhttp://www.firefliesandfamily.blogspot.com

  5. >So cute, I like the sunflower!

  6. Debbie says:

    >That is so very cute…I love the leaf touch embellishment.

  7. Jill says:

    >Lovely wreath! and what a great price too!Thanks for linking this project to A Round Tuit!Jill @ Creating my way to Successhttp://jembellish.blogspot.com/

  8. >What a lovely job you did. It looks great.Cheri

  9. >This is gorgeous! And totally in my budget! 🙂

  10. >Your first try at a Fall wreath has gone off wonderfully…even better at that price.I usually go for the more natural things that are growing in my garden, hence the corn flowers on my Autumn wreath this year.Yvettehttp://yvettesblogs.com/

  11. Holly says:

    >Happy and pretty!

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